
LINQ (a.k.a Language Integrated Query) is one of the nicer, and more importantly, ubiquitously used features in C#. It is often used to operate on collections, but also to generate SQL queries when working with Entity Framework. The way this wondrous feat is achieved is a miracle of its own: Instead of directly emitting code for your LINQ queries, the compiler generates expression trees (really, a relatively high-level AST) that can be manipulated at runtime before it is being converted to executable code and executed. This gives Entity Framework and similar libraries the opportunity to take the LINQ expression and transform it into an SQL query.

This makes things like the following possible:

class static MyClass
  public static async Task<IList<SomeClass>> SomeFunction(DbSet<SomeClass> dbSet)
    var items = await dbSet
      .Where(e => e.SomeProperty == "Some Random String")
    return items;

That statement with the Where() call gets translated to something like this:

SELECT aproperty, someproperty
FROM someclass
WHERE someproperty = 'Some Random String'

That is very neat. The whole thing is extremely powerful. Not only do you get to filter the data, you can also perform joins. And the best part about all of this: This API is available to everybody!

So Exciting!

So, let’s take this goodness for a test drive.

A Simple Example

Before there was the nameof() operator in C# passing the name of a property to (e.g. for the purpose of binding it to a UI component) was very error prone. The compiler did not notice any typos and renaming the property also immediately broke things because the hard-coded string literal with the old name didn’t get updated (either manually or the automatic refactoring).

However, creative minds came up with a solution: instead of passing in the name of the property as a string, you would pass in an expression that could be inspected at runtime and the name of the property could be extracted via reflection. Of course, the nameof() operator is vastly superior to this work around and you should avoid (ab)using this powerful tool for such a simple purpose. But for a gentle introduction to expressions it will do.

Below is a small function that takes an expression that accesses a property on an object and returns the property name. A run-time version of nameof() if you will (try it out on .NET Fiddle):

using System;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
using FluentAssertions;

public static class MyExpressions
  public static string NameOfProperty<T>(Expression<Func<T>> expression)
    // Validate argument.
    _ = expression ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(expression));
    if (expression.Body.NodeType != ExpressionType.MemberAccess)
      throw new ArgumentException("The expression must be a member access expression", nameof(expression));

    // Now that we know we have a member expression in the body
    // we can cast it, get a reference to the MemberInfo
    // and return the property name.
    var memberExpression = (MemberExpression)expression.Body;
    return memberExpression.Member.Name;

public class MyClass
  public string SomeProperty { get; set; } = "Some Value";
  public static void Main()
    var obj = new MyClass();
    var propertyName = MyExpressions.NameOfProperty( () => obj.SomeProperty );
    Console.WriteLine("The name of the property is: {0}", propertyName);

What does MyExpressions.NameOfProperty() do? First, note, that the parameter type is Expression<Func<T>>, but that when the method gets called we pass a nullary lambda function. The compiler helps us here by not compiling the lambda and passing the AST expression as the argument instead. In the method the expression is first checked to be not null and that the lambda body has the correct AST node type. This method only determines the name of a property, trying to get the name of a complex expression (such as arithmetic expressions, deeply nested properties, method calls, lambda bodies with many statements, etc.) would be completely nonsensical.

Once we are sure that the expression has the right form we cast it to the specific type and extract the MemberInfo object from which we finally get the property name to be returned.

Simple enough, so far. But we haven’t created new expressions yet. That is where the real power comes in.

The Problem

I recently came across the problem that I had to filter a database table that used a so-called composite key. I.e. row identity was not given by a single column, but by the combined values of multiple columns, in this case two columns. I needed to fetch a whole list of items, so I didn’t want to query for each item individually. When using LINQ on collections this is a fairly straight forward task:

var listOfItems = new List<(string Key1, int Key2, string Value)>
        ("foo", 1, "A"),
        ("foo", 2, "B"),
        ("bar", 1, "C"),
        ("bar", 2, "D"),

var keysToFind = new[]{ ("foo", 1), ("bar", 2) };
var myItems = listOfItems.Where(i => keysToFind.Contains((i.Key1, i.Key2))).ToList();

Piece of cake. However, there’s a catch: how would this translate to SQL? With a single key our SQL might look like this:

SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE mykey IN (value1, value2)

And indeed, Entity Framework does this for single valued keys.

The IN clause, however, cannot be used for composite expressions and we would resort to something like what is shown below:

FROM mytable
     (key1 = v11 AND key2 = v12)
  OR (key1 = v21 AND key2 = v22)
  OR (key1 = v31 AND key2 = v32)
  -- and so on...

This can also be translated in a straight-forward manner to LINQ as long as the number of composite values is known and fixed at compile time:

var listOfItems = new List<(string Key1, int Key2, string Value)>
        ("foo", 1, "A"),
        ("foo", 2, "B"),
        ("bar", 1, "C"),
        ("bar", 2, "D"),

var keysToFind = new[]{ ("foo", 1), ("bar", 2) };
var myItems = listOfItems.Where(i =>
        (i.Key1 == keysToFind[0].Item1 && i.Key2 == keysToFind[0].Item2)
     || (i.Key1 == keysToFind[1].Item1 && i.Key2 == keysToFind[1].Item2)

But what to do if the length of keysToFind is not known? E.g. if it is a parameter to your method? One hackish work-around would be chaining UNION ALL clauses between queries that select each item individually, something that Entity Framework can do too with the Union() method:

FROM mytable
WHERE (key1 = v11 AND key2 = v12)
    SELECT *
    FROM mytable
    WHERE (key1 = v21 AND key2 = v22)
        SELECT *
        FROM mytable
        WHERE (key1 = v31 AND key2 = v32)
            -- and so on...

Eww, gross. Never ever do this.

Eww, gross

What we need is a way of dynamically chaining OR clauses together as we did with a fixed number of composite key values to search. Something that performs the “and so on” part in below code:

var listOfItems = new List<(string Key1, int Key2, string Value)>
        ("foo", 1, "A"),
        ("foo", 2, "B"),
        ("bar", 1, "C"),
        ("bar", 2, "D"),
        // ...

var keysToFind = new[]{ ("foo", 1), ("bar", 2), ("foo", 2), /* ... */ };
var myItems = listOfItems.Where(i =>
       (i.Key1 == keysToFind[0].Item1 && i.Key2 == keysToFind[0].Item2)
    || (i.Key1 == keysToFind[1].Item1 && i.Key2 == keysToFind[1].Item2)
    || (i.Key1 == keysToFind[2].Item1 && i.Key2 == keysToFind[2].Item2)
    // and so on...

Enter expression building.

Building Dynamic Expressions

Browsing through the API documentation we find that the Expression class looks particularly promising, because it contains many factory methods for the construction of new expressions. Especially the static methods Expression.Equal(), Expression.AndAlso() and Expression.OrElse() look exactly like they’d do what we need.


Do not fall into the trap of using Expression.And() and Expression.Or(). Those correspond to the bitwise operators & and |; definitely not what we went shopping for.

Another piece of the puzzle is missing. One that allows us to capture the key constants we are searching for. Unsurprisingly, we find it in the in Expression.Constant() method.

Having these basic tools we can start sketching out an implementation:

public static class MyExpressions
    public static IQueryable<TEntity> WhereCompositeKeyContainedIn<TEntity, TKey1, TKey2>(
        this IQueryable<TEntity> query,
        Expression<Func<TEntity, TKey1>> key1expression,
        Expression<Func<TEntity, TKey2>> key2expression,
        IEnumerable<(TKey1 Key1, TKey2 Key2)> keysToFind)
        Expression predicate = null;

        foreach (var key in keysToFind)
            // create the predicate for the current key
            // === DOES NOT YET WORK ===
            var keyPredicate = Expression.AndAlso(
                Expression.Equal(key1Expression.Body, Expression.Constant(key.Key1)),
                Expression.Equal(key2Expression.Body, Expression.Constant(key.Key2)));

            // OR it with the previous key predicates
            if (predicate == null)
                predicate = keyPredicate;
                predicate = Expression.OrElse(predicate, keyPredicate);


        return query;

There’s quite a bit going on already. First, notice that we defined an extension method called WhereCompositeKeyContainedIn() for the interface IQueryable<T>. The method is generic, with type parameters for the entity type (TEntity) and the types of the composite key items (TKey1 and TKey2). The first parameter of the method is the IQueryable<TEntity> object to which the method should be applied. The second and third arguments require a bit more explanation. Just as in the first example, they represent expressions that access the entity properties; in this case they should return the first and second item of the composite key, respectively. The last argument is represents contains a collection of composite key values that the method should find.

The method then iterates over each of those key values and creates a predicate expression for this individual item, representing one AND part of our query. We use the Expression.Equal() to create the equality expression and Expression.Constant to capture the key values.

Next we accumulate all these individual key-predicates into the final predicate expression using Expression.OrElse().

But as can be seen, there’s the part missing where the predicate should actually be applied to the query object. The predicate as it is now is only a raw expression tree, it is not yet callable. For this we need to first turn it into a lambda expression using Expression.Lambda(). The lambda expression, however, needs a parameter expression that can be used to pass an argument (the entity) into the predicate. We create it with the help of Expression.Parameter():

public static class MyExpressions
    public static IQueryable<TEntity> WhereCompositeKeyContainedIn<TEntity, TKey1, TKey2>(
        this IQueryable<TEntity> query,
        Expression<Func<TEntity, TKey1>> key1Expression,
        Expression<Func<TEntity, TKey2>> key2Expression,
        IEnumerable<(TKey1 Key1, TKey2 Key2)> keysToFind)
        var parameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(TEntity), "i");
        Expression predicate = null;

        foreach (var key in keysToFind)
            // == SNIP ==

        // create the lambda
        var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<TEntity, bool>>(predicate, parameter);

        // apply the lambda
        query = query.Where(lambda);

        return query;

We did it! Let’s try this hot stuff.

Or rather, no, we didn’t.

There’s one subtle but fatal flaw: Our new parameter expression is never used inside the predicate expression. I.e. the lambda will be invoked, the parameter will be substituted with the entity object, and then … nothing. It won’t get substituted into key1Expression and key2Expression, because those have parameter expressions of their own!


There’s two possible solutions to this:

  1. Explicitly call the key1Expression and key2Expression with our own parameter expression.
  2. Somehow replace the parameter expression inside the bodies of key1Expression and key2Expression with our newly created parameter expression.

Let’s try both.

Invoking the Key Expressions

For this option to work, we need an expression that represents an invocation of our key expressions. True to its name, Expression.Invoke() will do the job.


No, lambdas and delegates are not called, they are invoked, and hence Expression.Call() would not work, as it only deals with calling static and instance methods.

Let’s do this:

public static class MyExpressions
    public static IQueryable<TEntity> WhereCompositeKeyContainedIn<TEntity, TKey1, TKey2>(
        this IQueryable<TEntity> query,
        Expression<Func<TEntity, TKey1>> key1Expression,
        Expression<Func<TEntity, TKey2>> key2Expression,
        IEnumerable<(TKey1 Key1, TKey2 Key2)> keysToFind)
        var parameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(TEntity), "i");
        Expression predicate = null;

        foreach (var key in keysToFind)
            // create the predicate for the current key
            var keyPredicate = Expression.AndAlso(
                    Expression.Invoke(key1Expression, parameter),
                    Expression.Invoke(key2Expression, parameter),

            // OR it with the previous key predicates
            if (predicate == null)
                predicate = keyPredicate;
                predicate = Expression.OrElse(predicate, keyPredicate);

        // create the lambda
        var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<TEntity, bool>>(predicate, parameter);

        // apply the lambda
        query = query.Where(lambda);

        return query;

Now, this works, but it is quite a lot of code and especially the foreach and if condition seem a bit bloated.


Using LINQ we can shrink this considerably:

public static class MyExpressions
    public static IQueryable<TEntity> WhereCompositeKeyContainedIn<TEntity, TKey1, TKey2>(
        this IQueryable<TEntity> query,
        Expression<Func<TEntity, TKey1>> key1Expression,
        Expression<Func<TEntity, TKey2>> key2Expression,
        IEnumerable<(TKey1 Key1, TKey2 Key2)> keysToFind)
        var parameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(TEntity), "i");

        var predicate = keysToFind
            // create the predicates for the keys
            .Select(key =>
                        Expression.Invoke(key1Expression, parameter),
                        Expression.Invoke(key2Expression, parameter),
            // aggregate them together with OR

        // create the lambda
        var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<TEntity, bool>>(predicate, parameter);

        // apply the lambda
        query = query.Where(lambda);

        return query;

Let’s take this for a test ride:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
using FluentAssertions;

class Program
    static void Main()
        var listOfItems = new List<(string Key1, int Key2, string Value)>
                ("foo", 1, "A"),
                ("foo", 2, "B"),
                ("bar", 1, "C"),
                ("bar", 2, "D"),

        var keysToFind = new[]{ ("foo", 1), ("bar", 2) };

        var foundItems = listOfItems.AsQueryable()
                i => i.Key1,
                i => i.Key2,

        foundItems.Should().BeEquivalentTo(("foo", 1, "A"), ("bar", 2, "D"));

public class MyExpressions { /* SNIP */ }

It works!


Only fly in the ointment: that’s potentially a lot of Expression.Invoke()’s. Let’s see how we can get rid of them by implementing the second option listed above.

Replacing the Parameters in the Key Expressions

Substituting the parameters in the key expressions takes a bit more work. Somehow we need a way of traversing the expression trees, replacing the parameters as we encounter them. The System.Linq.Expressions library of course has an API for exactly for this modelled after the visitor pattern.

If you are not familiar with this pattern, or patterns in general, stop right here, get your hands on a copy of the GoF book and read it. No excuses. It is mandatory curriculum for every programmer.

Back to the problem at hand. The ExpressionVisitor class is the base class that we need to derive from in order to implement our parameter substitution:

sealed class ParamReplacer : ExpressionVisitor
    private readonly ParameterExpression _param;

    internal ParamReplacer(ParameterExpression param)
        _param = param;

    protected override Expression VisitMember(MemberExpression node)
        return node.Expression.NodeType == ExpressionType.Parameter
            ? Expression.MakeMemberAccess(_param, node.Member)
            : base.VisitMember(node);

This is straight forward enough. The constructor takes the parameter expression we want to use in our substitutions. The override of the VisitMember(MemberExpression) method allows us to take some action whenever the visitor encounters a member expression, and that’s the ones we’re after. We then check whether this member expression has a subexpression that is a parameter expression and if so, we return a new member access expression that uses the original member but substitutes the parameter. Otherwise we just call the base class implementation.

Using this small nugget we can simplify our extension method from above:

public static class MyExpressions
    public static IQueryable<TEntity> WhereCompositeKeyContainedIn<TEntity, TKey1, TKey2>(
        this IQueryable<TEntity> query,
        Expression<Func<TEntity, TKey1>> key1Expression,
        Expression<Func<TEntity, TKey2>> key2Expression,
        IEnumerable<(TKey1 Key1, TKey2 Key2)> keysToFind)
        var parameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(TEntity), "i");
        var replacer = new ParamReplacer(parameter);
        var key1 = replacer.Visit(key1Expression.Body);
        var key2 = replacer.Visit(key2Expression.Body);

        var predicate = keysToFind
            // create the predicates for the keys
            .Select(key =>
                    Expression.Equal(key1, Expression.Constant(key.Key1)),
                    Expression.Equal(key2, Expression.Constant(key.Key2))))
            // aggregate them together with OR

        // create the lambda
        var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<TEntity, bool>>(predicate, parameter);

        // apply the lambda
        query = query.Where(lambda);

        return query;

Trying it out we see that this works, too!



In this article we saw how we can use the extremely powerful expressions API to inspect, transform and dynamically generate LINQ code, putting it to good use on a real world problem.

However, a word of caution is also due: Don’t be the proverbial boy with a hammer for whom suddenly everything looks like a nail. Before you take out the big guns rethink your problem. And then again. Most times when you have to resort to this type of black sorcery it is a sure sign of a code or design smell. When writing an application (as opposed to creating a new library or framework), using this API is almost certainly wrong and only justifiable in cases where the alternatives would be even worse or there are external constraints (such as an external database with compound keys).