All aboard the hype train! Everybody’s raving about this great new programming language called Rust. Of all possible names, this is one that did not inspire immediate trust in me. I guess that is me being a mechanical engineer… Any ways, this being the first blog post here, I wanted to record my experience, mostly for my own benefit.


The official Rust Book recommends the usage of rustup for the installation and updating of the whole Rust tool chain. Being a long-time Ubuntu user, I don’t agree with the notion of third-party tools messing with my /usr, so I passed on that option, and went with a simple apt install rustc cargo. The first package contains the compiler, the second provides the cargo build system and dependency manager. You’ll need to have the Universe repositories enabled for this to work. Running

$ rustc --version
rustc 1.24.1

reveals that the compiler is there and that things look good. The fact that I am running not the most recent version (at the time of writing that would be 1.27.0) is for the purpose of these experiments of minor importance.

Update 2018-06-25: Wesley Moore pointed out to me on Twitter that rustup does not mess with /usr. Instead everything is happening in the user’s home, specifically ~/.cargo/, as I should have read about in the book.

First Baby Steps

Every programming tutorial should start with the infamous Hello, world! example. Rust makes this particularly easy when using the cargo tool. Initialize a new Rust project with:

$ cargo new hello_world --bin
$ cd hello_world

Inspecting the directory tree I found the following files:

$ tree .
├── Cargo.toml
└── src

1 directory, 2 files

As you can see, the tool created the source file src/ and added the file Cargo.toml which contains the build instructions and dependency definitions. Looking into the source file we see that the Hello, world! code is already there:

File: src/
fn main() {
    println!("Hello, world!");

Not too many surprises there. What caught my eye is the exclamation mark in println!. It indicates that the name does not refer to a function, but to a macro instead. Peculiar, but each to his own… The only other noteworthy thing here is that fn is used to declare a function, as you would with function in JavaScript or def in Python. Also, as in C/C++, the entry point is the main function. So far so good.

The next file to look at, is the build definition:

File: Cargo.toml
name = "hello_world"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["Michael Wild <>"]


As the name suffix indicates, this file is in the TOML format. If you didn’t know it already, think of it as of what would come out if INI and YAML had a baby.

The contents is simple enough. It declares a package named hello_world, gives a version number and lists me as the author. Conveniently cargo pulled this information from my ~/.gitconfig. As we have not yet added any dependencies, the corresponding group is empty.

Also, what was not show in the tree output above: cargo new directly initializes a Git repository in the project directory, with an approriate .gitignore file already in place. Nice and handy.

Compiling and running the code is as easy as invoking

$ cargo run
   Compiling hello_world v0.1.0 (file:///home/mwild/Projects/rust/hello_world)
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 6.3 secs
     Running `target/debug/hello_world`
Hello, world!

This compiles and runs in one step. Note, that there are also the sub-commands cargo build and cargo check for building and syntax-checking, respectively.

Now that the code has been compiled, the resulting executable can also be directly run:

$ ./target/debug/hello_world
Hello, world!

You will have noticed that there is now a new file Cargo.lock and a directory called target/. The former is an automatically generated file that fixes all dependency versions, enabling reproducible builds. It should be definitely committed to version control. You can bring it up-to-date with cargo update.

The directory target/ contains the build output. Let’s take a look:

$ tree -a target
└── debug
    ├── build
    ├── .cargo-lock
    ├── deps
    │   ├── hello_world-23e1044645ca665a
    │   └── hello_world-23e1044645ca665a.d
    ├── examples
    ├── .fingerprint
    │   └── hello_world-23e1044645ca665a
    │       ├── bin-hello_world-23e1044645ca665a
    │       ├── bin-hello_world-23e1044645ca665a.json
    │       └── dep-bin-hello_world-23e1044645ca665a
    ├── hello_world
    ├── hello_world.d
    ├── incremental
    │   └── hello_world-2n621tcba0fv4
    │       ├── s-f293r0yvlo-1fos1jy-2ipc26o60gus8
    │       │   ├── 1y16o1qfye96o7m0.o
    │       │   ├── 3ff08c0u0kk7cb3j.o
    │       │   ├── 3rngp6bm2u2q5z0y.o
    │       │   ├── 4xq48u46a1pwiqn7.o
    │       │   ├── dep-graph.bin
    │       │   ├── query-cache.bin
    │       │   └── work-products.bin
    │       └── s-f293r0yvlo-1fos1jy.lock
    └── native

10 directories, 16 files

As you can see, it mostly contains object files and information for incremental builds. Also, there seems to be something prepared for dependencies. I assume the .lock files are there to avoid multiple cargo process stepping on each others toes.

Getting Fancier

Most command-line utilities need to perform argument parsing. Here I want to expand the trivial Hello, World! a bit and get to know some more Rust features. Coming from a Python background I got to love the excellent argparse module. Let’s try our luck and see whether Rust has something similar in store for us:

$ cargo search argparse
    Updating registry ``
argparse = "0.2.1"       # Powerful command-line argument parsing library
argparse-rs = "0.1.0"    # A simple argument parser, meant to parse command line input. It is inspired by the Python ArgumentPars…
argonaut = "0.12.0"      # A simple argument parser
autojump = "0.3.1"       # A Rust port and drop-in replacement of autojump

I’ll try my luck with argparse (no other reason than it’s name…) and modify the Cargo.toml file:

File: Cargo.toml
name = "hello_world"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["Michael Wild <>"]

argparse = "0"

The part after the equal sign indicates that all versions compatible with version 0 are acceptable. Rust and the packages use semantic versioning, so requiring a fixed major version should prevent API breaking changes to occur on cargo update.

Now, I know nothing about how to use this argparse package. But no worries, cargo got our back:

$ cargo doc --open
 Updating registry ``
 Downloading argparse v0.2.1
   Compiling argparse v0.2.1
 Documenting argparse v0.2.1
 Documenting hello_world v0.1.0 (file:///home/mwild/Projects/rust/hello_world)
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 6.24 secs
     Opening /home/mwild/Projects/rust/hello_world/target/doc/hello_world/index.html
   Launching xdg-open

Upon completion, a browser window should pop up. Clicking argparse in the left-hand menu brings up the package’s documentation. Very slick!

OK, let’s put this to some use:

File: src/
extern crate argparse;

fn main() {
    let parser = argparse::ArgumentParser::new();
    println!("Hello, world!");

That wasn’t too difficult. The first line is similar to import in Python. Its purpose is to instruct the compiler that we want to use the argparse library and use its symbols. The variable assignment and type inference going on with the let statement should also be obvious. All in all, nothing surprising.

Now, let’s see whether it works:

$ cargo build -q
$ ./target/debug/hello_world --help

A friendly program to say hello

optional arguments:
  -h,--help             show this help message and exit

Great, that works as expected. Now, let’s add an optional --name argument:

File: src/
extern crate argparse;

fn main() {
    let mut name = String::from("world");
        let mut parser = argparse::ArgumentParser::new();
        parser.set_description("A friendly program to say hello");
        parser.refer(&mut name)
            .add_option(&["-n", "--name"], argparse::Store,
                        "Name to greet");
    println!("Hello, {}!", name);

Woahh, hold the horses! What’s going on. That doesn’t look nowhere near as close to my familiar Python and C++ as the stuff before. Let’s break it down, line by line:

    let mut name = String::from("world");

Reading this from right-to-left: The string literal "world" is converted to a heap-allocated String object and assigned to the variable name. What does the mut do, you ask? Variables in Rust are by default immutable! Since we want to be able to assign a user-provided value at runtime, we must mark the variable as mutable by using the mut keyword. You will also have noticed that the parser variable declaration gained the mut keyword. The reason for this will become clear further down. Also, there is now a new set of curly braces wrapping the majority of the code whose meaning will be explained in a minute.

        parser.refer(&mut name)
            .add_option(&["-n", "--name"], argparse::Store,
                        "Name to greet");

The statement parser.refer(&mut name) warrants some explanation. It’s purpose is to “borrow” a variable for modification by an argument. But what does it mean? I hear you asking. The heap memory management in Rust is different than that of the other well known programming languages. It neither uses explicit, manual alloc and free, nor does it use a garbage collector. It is much closer to the RAII and move-semantics of modern C++. Only one variable can own a value at any given time. Assigning a variable containing a heap-allocated value to another value moves the value to the new variable, invalidating the original variable. Same happens when passing a variable as a function argument, or returning a value from a function. Also, whenever a variable goes out of scope, the memory gets deallocated, just as if it was stack-allocated. Think std::unique_ptr if you’re familiar with C++.

Now, if passing a value into a function transfers ownership with move-semantics, how could we continue using the name variable after argument parsing? Here is where the next concept comes in: “borrowing”. That is what happens in parser.refer(&mut name). The variable name is mutably borrowed to the .refer() method call, and with that eventually to the parser object. Ownership is only returned once parser goes out of scope. And hence we have the explanation for the additional set of curly braces. Otherwise we would not be able to use the name variable after the argument parsing.

Next up, still in the same statement, we have the add_option() method call. With &["-n", "--name"] an array containing the string literals is created and passed by reference to the function. The second argument instructs the parser that it should store the option argument, and the last argument provides a description for the option to be displayed in the help message.


This method call retrieves the command line arguments, parses them, and returns only after successful parsing or exits with an appropriate code otherwise. Also, if the user passed -h or --help, the help message is displayed and the program exits.

    println!("Hello, {}!", name);

With this line the greeting message is displayed. The {} represents a placeholder that is used when formatting the name argument into the template string. This should feel familiar to Pythonistas (str.format()) or C# programmers (String.Format()).


In this blog post I have made first contact with Rust. I set up the programming tools, most importantly the rustc compiler and the cargo build system and package manager. In terms of programming concepts, I introduced the most basic syntax and made already contact with the very powerful ownership model of Rust. However, many important topics have not been touched upon at all. Foremost is error handling (which Rust is also quite opinionated and pedantic about) and then we haven’t seen anything about flow control, structures, enums and matching, etc. pp. All topics for follow-up posts – stay tuned.


  • Rust book:
  • Rust community:
  • Rust-by-example: